Sep 30
I’ll admit it. I have a thing for cushions. They’re just the thing to liven up a sofa and splash some colour around without going mad. I love making them too. Here are a few of my recent makes. Subtle and sumptuous green and duck egg blue silks. Pretty fabulous!

Dec 04
Behold, the Pampootie ipad cover! Having heard from lots of ipad owners about their ideal cover, I joined forces with a Pampootie customer, and we designed one together! Our usual Pampootie soft wool fabrics combine with quirky linings and buttons to bring you a pretty, practical and downright gorgeous Pampootie ipad cover. Cunningly designed to snugly fit your ipad, with or without a folding Smart Cover. Is this the best ipad cover ever? We think so!
Nov 18

A little beaded crochet bag I designed for my friend Jo as a gift. It’s lined with vintage silk kimono fabric bought in Japan.